Chapter 1
The Chaos
“Madness and chaos are self-destructing, but overthinking will always be the suicide. “
I always needed the chaos within myself, in order to discover the extraordinary that no man could ever reach.
That morning, I did not say a word. I just watched you leave, and in the end, I wish I had stayed at home, made a different choice. I stayed stuck, somewhere between a sweet dream and a beautiful nightmare. Hoping one day, you would return to rid me of all the demons you left behind.
And I’ve learned a lot of things this year but the most important thing I’ve learned is that with every harsh good-bye comes a beautiful awakening. That with every door that closes, there’s another one opening soon after. And whenever you help someone and genuinely mean it, the universe crowns you and grants you the spiritual growth you need. The difference is between people who genuinely need it and appreciate it, value it and don’t take it for granted as if its owed to them.
I have to disconnect sometimes. Find my own feelings sometimes. There’s nothing wrong with my relationship toward myself. I just need to be on my own sometimes. That’s all.
I almost lost myself doing things for others. The year is almost gone and I’m just learning this. I have to move forward for me. I have to find what makes me happy for me. And I have to learn how to live, ultimately, for me.
I need to start not to give a fuck when you would text me. I should forward your calls when you needed me the most. I purposely and these days apologetically chose my friends over you… time and time again. And for what? To prove what? That I’m a sucker for love and appreciation from friends who don’t reciprocate? That I’m too hard to keep it real with you? That I’m too afraid to be vulnerable. Too afraid to show you what I feel… or was it to hurt you before you hurt me. What was it all for? To lose you. To cry alone over you. To regret all the bullshit I ever did to you. In the end, I did this to myself. I caused you so much pain but when it was all said and done… the only person I was hurting was myself. Damn. Growing up is hard. Making it work is hard but nothing is harder than accepting the past and finally realizing how it all could have been avoided… if only I followed my heart and made better life choices.
The darker the sky, the more real it gets. Some nights I miss you more than others and some nights I’m afraid of what you make me feel.